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- MIKELIST.NFO updated 21/12/95 ---------------------------------------
- The file INTERNET.TXT contains information concerning almost every
- aspect of internet services.Would prove useful to everyone that wants
- a guide to surf the net with as less effort or knowledge about it as
- possible. It is not aimed at those that don't know how to use the ftp
- or telnet commands but help is provided where I think is necessary.
- You can reach me at mpan@acrogate.ath.forthnet.gr for comments,
- corrections to the list, or whatever. I'm also expecting messages
- regarding new, good, sites to add to my list or information about
- listed sites that don't work any more.The amount of information is so
- huge that it is impossible for me to check it out every single day.
- Most of the contents of this list was assembled from various text
- files.I personnaly thank each and every one that contributed in this
- way to my list and apologies for it wasn't possible to mention all
- them here.
- I get lots of mail from people asking me where they can find the
- latest version of my list.Oh, no, I don't have any problem with that.
- In fact, it's my mistake.. I should have put some information in here
- from the beginning.For the time being, my list can only be found in
- the SimTel archive (see the SimTel section of my list for more) under
- the SimTel/msdos/info directory, name is mlYYMMDD.zip where YY is the
- year number (e.g. 95 for this year), MM the month number and DD the
- day number. SimTel's primary ftp site is ftp.coast.net but it is
- advised that you use a mirror closer to you.Mirror sites are listed
- in the SimTel section of my list.
- From this version forth, the [NEW] section in the beginning of my
- list that contained all the new additions and changes will be
- included in a seperate file, the WHATSNEW.TXT, for your convinience.
- The WHATSNEW.TXT is converted to WHATSNEW.HTM (html file) by TXT2HTM
- program if you'd like to load the file into your favorite web browser
- [Last minute info]
- TXT2HTM have "suffered" major changes.See for yourself.An Index .HTML
- file is created with links to all the sections of my list.I hope you
- like that.. Feedback is always welcome.Unfortunately I didn't have
- time to check out all the sites as I've promised and I feel very bad
- about it.I hope I have time to do it in the next version.
- To be added to the package soon : (+) in progress (*) done
- + Sort the contents of each section.Create subsections inside sections.
- * Program to read the text file and produce a .HTML document.
- + Improve the TXT2HTM program in many ways.
- - New topics/delete old ones.Email me for suggestions.
- Greek message follows -----------------------------------------------
- éáÿ µ⌐ª¼¬ ⌐¼ñ¢Γªñ½ÿá ⌐½₧ñ Acrobase íÿá ⌐½₧ñ Gate BBS, ½ª ÿ¿«£σª ÿ¼½µ
- ÿºª⌐½Γóó£½ÿá º£¿σºª¼ úσÿ ¡ª¿ß ½ª ú₧ñÿ ⌐½₧ñ ÿ¿«£áªƒ₧í₧ INTERNET íÿá
- ⌐½á¬ ¢τª Öß⌐£á¬.Å¿ª½ß⌐£á¬, ¢áª¿ƒΘ⌐£á¬ íóº. úºª¿£σ½£ ñÿ ⌐½Γóñ£½£ ⌐£
- º¿ª⌐wºáíµ ú₧ñ¼úÿ º¿ª¬ monster ºª¼ £σñÿá ½ª handle úª¼ ⌐£ ÿ¼½Γ¬ ½á¬
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- ¢σí½¼ÿ FidoNET íÿá GrunNET º¿ª¬ Michael Panayiotakis ⌐½₧ñ ÿñßóªÜ₧
- º£¿áª«₧.Åÿ¿ÿíÿóΘ ⌐¼ññ£ñª₧ƒ£σ½£ ú£ ½ª¼¬ moderators ½wñ ¢áí½τwñ Üáÿ ½₧ñ
- ÿºª¡¼Ü₧ off-topic ú₧ñ¼úß½wñ.æ₧ú£áΘ⌐½£ µ½á ₧ £ºáíªáñαñσÿ úΓ⌐α íߺªáª¼
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- Å¿ª½áúπ⌐½£ ÿñ úºª¿£σ½£ ½₧ñ email ¢á£τƒ¼ñ⌐π úª¼ µºα¬ ÿñÿÜ¿ß¡£½ÿá úΓ⌐ÿ
- ⌐½₧ñ óσ⌐½ÿ ÿóóß íÿá ⌐½ª ÿÜÜóáíµ úΓ¿ª¬ ÿ¼½ªτ ½ª¼ í£áúΓñª¼ ºÿ¿ÿºßñα.
- -------------------------------- Michael Panayiotakis, Athens, Greece